Software licenses

Software licenses

The Astraada One Compact and Astraada One Compact HMI controllers can be upgraded with additional licenses. With licenses you can activate special communication protocols, as well as some of the controllers' functionalities. With this solution, you can personalize each controller to your own needs.

When you purchase a controller together with a license, we will upload it to the controller right away, so you will receive a ready-to-use device. Of course, licenses can also be purchased separately, without the driver. We will then guide you step by step through the process of uploading it to the target driver.

There is no limit to the number of licenses on the controller - the unit can even have them all uploaded at once.

Product Product price
S109 VPN / IXON Agent License Integration of the controller into a virtual private network (VPN) as a client. The VPN basic technology used is OpenVPN.
40 EUR

S109 VPN / IXON Agent License Integration of the controller into a virtual private network (VPN) as a client. The VPN basic technology used is OpenVPN.

SKU: S-05000311-0000
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Available in 2-8 weeks
S006 Fast Event Ios License Option for fast inputs and outputs. These are then handled independently of the I/O or bus cycle.
40 EUR

S006 Fast Event Ios License Option for fast inputs and outputs. These are then handled independently of the I/O or bus cycle.

SKU: S-05000206-0000
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Available in 2-8 weeks
S115 CODESYS Profinet Master License
59 EUR

S115 CODESYS Profinet Master License

SKU: S-05000306-0000
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Available in 2-8 weeks
S108 CODESYS EtherNet/IP Adapter License Integration of the controller as an EtherNet/IP adapter (slave) in an EtherNet/IP network.
59 EUR

S108 CODESYS EtherNet/IP Adapter License Integration of the controller as an EtherNet/IP adapter (slave) in an EtherNet/IP network.

SKU: S-05000310-0000
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Available in 2-8 weeks
S000 Counter Encoder Interface License With the help of this option it is possible to operate local inputs as counter or encoder inputs.
59 EUR

S000 Counter Encoder Interface License With the help of this option it is possible to operate local inputs as counter or encoder inputs.

SKU: S-05000201-0000
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Available in 2-8 weeks
S106 CODESYS OPCuA Server License Export of variables via OPCuA. This makes it possible to exchange data via an OPCuA-enabled client and server.
59 EUR

S106 CODESYS OPCuA Server License Export of variables via OPCuA. This makes it possible to exchange data via an OPCuA-enabled client and server.

SKU: S-05000308-0000
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Available in 2-8 weeks
S102 CODESYS J1939 License Operation of the controller in a J1939 network. The roles J1939 Manager and J1939 ECU are supported.
59 EUR

S102 CODESYS J1939 License Operation of the controller in a J1939 network. The roles J1939 Manager and J1939 ECU are supported.

SKU: S-05000303-0000
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Available in 2-8 weeks
S107 CODESYS EtherNet/IP Scanner License Integration of EtherNet/IP based slave devices (adapters) into the IO image.
59 EUR

S107 CODESYS EtherNet/IP Scanner License Integration of EtherNet/IP based slave devices (adapters) into the IO image.

SKU: S-05000309-0000
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Available in 2-8 weeks
S105 CODESYS Profinet Device License With this software option it is possible to operate the controller as a Profinet Device in a higher-level Profinet plant network.
59 EUR

S105 CODESYS Profinet Device License With this software option it is possible to operate the controller as a Profinet Device in a higher-level Profinet plant network.

SKU: S-05000307-0000
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Available in 2-8 weeks
S101 CODESYS BACNET License Integration of the control in a BACnet network for building automation possible.
132 EUR

S101 CODESYS BACNET License Integration of the control in a BACnet network for building automation possible.

SKU: S-05000302-0000
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Available in 2-8 weeks
S300 Motion Basic + Softmotion License
317 EUR

S300 Motion Basic + Softmotion License

SKU: S-05000402-0000
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Available in 2-8 weeks
S301 Motion Basic + Softmotiom + CNC License
449 EUR

S301 Motion Basic + Softmotiom + CNC License

SKU: S-05000403-0000
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Available in 2-8 weeks
SIL 3 safety application programming licence in CODESYS SP14 software. Licence per company
885 EUR

SIL 3 safety application programming licence in CODESYS SP14 software. Licence per company

SKU: S-05000702-0000
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Available in 2-8 weeks